Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Market Research

One type of marketing research is when a company studies how many people or what kind of people an companies may purchase an updated model of their product. Computer companies like Dell for example use this research to create new products. You also have to look at the demand for the product and what ways you can better it for the customers! You also have to look at competitors and how you can make your product better than theirs.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


One profitable way of growing a business is outsourcing. Outsourcing is contracting out parts of your business to a third party. There many things to look at before deciding to use this as a way to grow your business. One bad thing is the objective third party may not know certain ins and outs of the business.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Customer service is essential to a growing business, it can play a big role in the success or down fall of a business. Have you ever been with a company and liked the product or service it provided but had a bad experience with a CSR or maybe couldn't get in contact with the business? I think we have all been there and that's just one example on how bad customer service can hurt a business. When trying to sell a product or service or planning to own a growing business I myself would like to focus on ways to build a strong relationship between my customers and my business. Rule of thumb, customers are always right! Even if they aren't the nicest people they are apart of your business or company just like stockowners. Its hard dealing with the general public but sometimes its worth going above and beyond to "save a sale".

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Downtown Lifestyles

Having never lived in a city myself I can only speak from research on the lifestyle of living in a town or society where everyone walks mostly everywhere. One good example is the lifestyle my family has in Germany. There is a small town called Herborn and other than some housing and farms surrounding the outer part of the city everyone lives in apartments and lofts in town. The city has a large walking zone and gets very crowded. It consists of many shops, vendors and boutique's. They have public pools and parks for recreation since no one has yards or really any private areas. There are marked paths throughout the forests surrounding the town. Walking is a daily routine. As for  long trips or getting into town there are trains, bus and taxi services. It could get pricey but they do offer season passes that are at reasonable cost. As for employment opportunities you can go the public service route: public transportation, street sweeping, park keepers and landscapers that tend to walking zone and high traffic place for tourist. There are entrepreneurs on every corner that have had shops and restaurants that stayed successful for years because of the high demand and traffic. The cost of living is higher within the city because the living accommodations. The picture below shows many of the shops and local commodities. The apartments and lofts are located above the shops on each side of the walking zone.